I don’t consider myself to have “mastered” anything, because “mastering” implies all-encompassing knowledge and experience on a subject, which I know I don’t have. I believe that since I’m always learning something new, I shouldn’t consider everything I do to be the best it could be. However, I do have proficient skills in project management (ask me about my animated webseries! https://tppt.neocities.org), video editing, sound design, web design, and graphic design. I hope to improve my skills in photography, cinematography, and music composition as I continue my creative journey.

The list of people who have changed my perspective on art and creation is nearly endless. However, I believe the most influential (and closest) people to grace my life include my best friend Brittany, with an origin story which rivals the best superhero films, never giving up when faced with the absolute worst people who only sought to tear her down. Her ideas are what gave me something to work towards, and are what inspired me to take creation seriously. The years upon years of revision that we have performed in private contexts bring me as much joy as anything else that I would bring to the public. Writing for an 18-episode season gave me skills, sound design for the first episode gave me strength, and now storyboarding for the first episode brings me hope. No amount of personal reflection could truly describe the benefits I have gained by working together with her.

My list of inspirations grow every day. However, if I were to keep this brief, it would be as follows, in no particular order: Seth MacFarlane, for his abilities as a creator to be okay with remaining distant from the creations you bring (it is a skill I have not accustomed myself with, but one which I know will have to come), as well as his skills in project management and voice acting. Ted is also a very funny franchise. Matt Stone and Trey Parker, for their tight production schedule and discipline (even if it is torturous), and Matt Groening for Futurama being a really good show that I laugh at a lot.

I hope for my art to act as an inspiration for other women like me. As an Executive Producer, it’s a job that I don’t see people associating with women, especially trans women. If my creations were to gain a massive burst of popularity, that should hopefully be the first impression people get, especially since they were made from nothing. No advertising revenue, no massive promotions, no prior notable roles. I want people to know that they can create beautiful things for everyone to enjoy, even if they have nothing.

You can find me on this website (even though it isn’t useful for communication…), on tppt.neocities.org, on Twitter (@violetcassette_), on Github (if you count software as art, which I do) (https://github.com/violetcassette) and on YouTube (@violetcassette).

(Bio created for my 2023-2024 Digital Media Art Class)

this is an outdated selection of images for my sona. these reference images have been scaled down to work better for slower connections. click on the images to be directed to their full-resolution versions.

A horizontal banner featuring flags and symbols reflecting that of the webmaster. These include the rainbow infinity symbol, used to represent autism, the transgender pride flag designed by Monica Helms in 1999, the five-stripe lesbian pride flag derived from the 2018 seven-stripe design by Emily Gwen, the techgender xenogender flag design made by gender-plaza on Tumblr in October of 2020 and the alertgender xenogender flag, designed by the webmaster. A reference for my sona, Violet. This alt text is incomplete and will be fleshed out with the text seen on the image when time is available. An alternate reference for my sona which has half-opacity layers for her breasts and hair in order to more clearly see the CRT monitor on her torso and VCRs on her back. Another alternate reference for my sona which has an outfit consisting of a lavender sweater which leaves a considerable amount of cleavage visible, along with her belly below the speakers, while covering up the VCRs on her back. She is also wearing black thigh-high socks which leave her birthmarks exposed. Another alternate reference for my sona which sees her clothed, while also having half-opacity layers at her breasts and hair. However, in comparison to the previous detail alt, a pair of black panties covered by her long hair can be seen.